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Player Photos and Team Photo dates planned for November

By T. Horton, 10/02/24, 9:15AM CDT


Plan to attend your team's photo session on the date and time listed below.

Photos by Kristen Calgaro Photography.

The 2024 Hockey photos will be done at Tilden Community Center, 310 River St, Hastings, MN 55033 on November 2nd, 16th, and 23rd.

Parents go to to order or send a check with the order form that will be handed out ahead of time.

Every player must bring an order form with first and last name filled out, regardless if they ordered online. If they lose their form we will have extras on picture day. We must be able to identify each child by name as they come through the line.

We ask that all players arrive about 15 minutes early to their time slots.

The order forms will be dropped off to the teams and the photo times will be posted at the arena a few weeks before.

There is a $20 art fee to get a player's image added to the team photo if they are late or missing.

Tentative schedule. Teams and times are subject to change.

Table updated 11/11/2024 10:18 pm

November 2nd, 2024 November 16th, 2024 November 23rd, 2024
U10B1 08:30:00 MITE 2 - Sharks 08:30:00 JR GOLD 08:30:00
U10B2 08:40:00 MITE 2 - Capitals 08:40:00 15UB 08:40:00
12UA 08:50:00 MITE 2 - Wild 08:50:00 LEARN HOCKEY - ROYAL 08:50:00
12B1 09:00:00 MITE 2 - Stars 09:00:00 LEARN HOCKEY - NEON GREEN 09:00:00
12B2 09:10:00 MITE 2 - Jets 09:10:00 LEARN HOCKEY - SKY 09:10:00
SQUIRT A 09:20:00 MITE 2 - Golden Knights 09:20:00 LEARN HOCKEY - GOLD 09:20:00
SQUIRT B1 09:30:00 U6 - Mavericks 09:30:00 LEARN HOCKEY - KELLY 09:30:00
SQUIRT B2 09:40:00 U6 - Gold Raiders 09:40:00 LEARN HOCKEY - RED 09:40:00
SQUIRT C 09:50:00 U8 - Fighting Hawks 09:50:00 LEARN HOCKEY - NEON ORANGE 09:50:00
PEEWEE A 10:00:00 U8 - Gophers 10:00:00 LEARN HOCKEY -BLACK 10:00:00
PEEWEE B2 10:10:00 U8 - Badgers 10:10:00 LEARN HOCKEY - TEAL 10:10:00
PEEWEE C GOLD 10:20:00 MITE 1 - Penguins 10:20:00 LEARN HOCKEY - NEON YELLOW 10:20:00
PEEWEE C BLUE 10:30:00 MITE 1 - Blues 10:30:00
BANTAM B1 10:40:00 MITE 1 - Oilers 10:40:00
BANTAM C 10:50:00 MITE 1 - Huskies 10:50:00
MITE 1 - Blue Raiders 11:00:00