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Seeking Charitable Gambling Manager for Hastings Hockey

By T. Horton, 09/25/24, 7:30PM CDT


Hello Hastings Hockey!

We are currently seeking an individual to fulfill the role of the Hastings Hockey Charitable Gambling Manager with our Board of Directors.  In 2022 your Hastings Hockey Board of Directors initiated our Charitable Gambling initiative which directly benefits the Hastings Hockey Youth Association.  This board of director position is paid and also fulfills all volunteer obligations through Hastings Hockey.

Attached, please find the Roles and Responsibilities of the Charitable Gambling Manager position.  Individuals who are interested can click on the link below to fill out an application of interest.

The application process will remain open until Thursday, October 3rd.  Once the application process closes HHB's President, Curtis Gerrits, will reach out to those who are interested to discuss qualifications and conduct a brief interview.  A candidate will then be selected by the HHB Officers and recommended to the HHB Board of Directors for approval.

In the event you have any questions please feel free to reach out to HHB President, Curtis Gerrits (, or HHB VP Dave Fullerton (

Charitable Gambling Manager Application of Interest - CLICK HERE

Thank you for your consideration of this position! 

Curtis Gerrits
President - Hastings Hockey
Mobile:  920-217-7255